Section 1.2 So, What’s the Point?

Section 1.2 So, What’s the Point?

Section 1.2 So, What’s the Point?

Popup Trigger Tap Icon What points are on \overline{AB} and are on \overline{CD}?

    \[\overline{AB} \cap \overline{CD} = \overline{BC}\]

Popup Trigger Tap Icon What points are on segment \overline{AB} or are on \overline{CD} ?

    \[\overline{AB} \cup \overline{CD} = \overline{AD}\]

Open the interactive to view all types of angles.

Think about it… 

Popup Trigger Tap Icon \overleftrightarrow{PQ},  \overleftrightarrow{QP},  \angle QRP ,  \angle PRQ , \overleftrightarrow{RQ} , \overleftrightarrow{QR} , \overleftrightarrow{PR} , \overleftrightarrow{RP}

T.-Dee:  “∠QRP is a straight angle, so it is equal to 180°.”

T.-Dum: “Well, how do you know?  Maybe it’s 179.82°. Or maybe it’s 180.001°. How do you know that it’s 180°?”

All right, I’ve introduced a lot of terms in this section but I hope that you have heard many of these terms and perhaps already knew the meanings of many. Look through the list below and mentally ask yourself the meaning of each. Then work through the set of problems for practice.

SegmentAcute Angle
RayRight Angle
EndpointsObtuse Angle
Locus of PointsStraight Angle